On 12 Jan 2017, at 14:05, Paul Jakma wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, Martin Winter wrote:

Sorry, if this broke. I didn’t see any mistake.

Like meeting with 3rd parties and making agreements to include code, without involving anyone else in Quagga?

Huh? Please remind me where we did this? We made agreements on helping to develop code and committed to make the code public - up to submit it to the quagga community, but we very VERY clear that the decision to include is not us. The best we could offer is to get a good quality of the code to increase the chance.

We NEVER promised to get anything included into Quagga as part of our work.

David works for NetDEF/OpenSourceRouting. Was that ever a question?

He's not listed in your 990 filings for NetDEF:


(I have the invoices that correspond to the contracting fees in '14; I also invoiced you for about £6k GBP in the first part of '15 - which is more than the contracting amount listed for '15, though maybe half-ish of the difference of the total salaries and the listed salaries).

I can direct you to a tax person who can explain you who needs o be listed or not. There are very specific requirements on who to list or not to list. Not every employee is listed on this form. Go read up on instructions for this form. Or talk to a US Tax consultant which knows how to deal with non-profits.

But this is completely irrelevant for this discussion.

So what is "OpenSourceRouting"? Is OpenSourceRouting a "project" of NetDEF, or is it another company? You and the others go to a lot of conferences, so ye can talk to lots of people, who pays for that?

You could have read my other email. OpenSourceRouting is a project by NetDEF. Nothing else. Not another company and
you should know this.

You have argued for transparency. Let's be transparent.

I just asked for transparency to mention who got removed from the security list. I didn’t question the
reasons. I just wanted to be the community aware of the changes.
Very simple requests. That’s what I call transparency in the community.

BTW, when I started contracting for NetDEF, I was told Alistair was seed funding it. What was the amount of that seed funding, and how much other sponsorship came in and when?

Note: I low-balled my contracting rates on the basis I was working for a public-good 501(c)(3), that was still on private seed funding and didn't have corporate sponsorship yet. I was a student writing up, past my funding, and I needed part-time work to make ends meet. I stopped talking to another commercial body, cause I believed in what NetDEF was pitched to me as.

Look up the public records if you care about this. It’s all in there.
But I don’t see this relevant on the discussion on transparency of the changes to the Quagga community.

And yes, he got kicked out by you

That is an untruth.

I let this stand like this and suggest to everyone read the archives of the list.
No point to respond here. And not relevant to this discussion.

Not sure how this is relevant or even a secret. NetDEF (and OpenSourceRouting is a project of NetDEF) is the answer to all of this. Never tried to hide this and not sure where the confusion is?

So, who is OpenSourceRouting then? Is that a 501(c)(3) too?

OpenSourceRouting is a PROJECT of NetDEF. What part is not clear here? It’s not a company, it’s just a single project.

When I started with NetDEF, I was surprised to learn ye already had a good bit of ongoing work. Was that NetDEF, or OpenSourceRouting, or ??

BTW: For full transparency, would be still good to announce changes like this to the list.

Yes, full transparency, /me claps. Can we?

If you don't want a fight, don't come here and pick one.

I only asked for transparency. I didn’t want to fight. You seem to be interested in it.

I’ve asked on details of the changes to made public by someone who knows (i.e. you, maybe others),
so the community is aware who is still working on security issues.

That’s all. I mentioned that this wasn’t about me and there is no need to argue how I had to be kicked out because I work for such an evil non-profit and dare to work on more than one open source project.

You could have just responded that you made the decision to clean up the list because you felt that
this and this and this person was no longer useful or wanted.
This would have been helpful for the community (The Quagga Community which I still care about a lot)

   Martin Winter

Quagga-dev mailing list

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