On Thu, 12 Jan 2017, Martin Winter wrote:

I can direct you to a tax person who can explain you who needs o be listed or not.

The money out covers only your salary and my contracting.

You could have read my other email. OpenSourceRouting is a project by NetDEF. Nothing else. Not another company and you should know this.

I have no idea anymore what you are.

I ask again: Are you and/or Alistair and/or David officers, employees or contractors for any other companies, or have been over last few years?

I just asked for transparency to mention who got removed from the security list. I didn’t question the reasons. I just wanted to be the community aware of the changes. Very simple requests. That’s what I call transparency in the community.

Again, you have your fork. Why not go enjoy it?!

I'm happy to continue to talk to you about technical stuff on a constructive basis.

However, if you come here making insinuations, and continue to try stir up trouble in Quagga, as you've been doing for a long while then you won't get a warm welcome. I may have been a very naïve idiot in the past (and have made other mistakes, no doubt) about things, but I can learn.

So, again: Go enjoy your fork! If we have to fight, let's do it by competing on the code.

But note very carefully: I'm no longer as naïve. I've learned, and I will be keeping one ready in the chamber from now on, in case you come back with more games.

Read me clear: Go enjoy your fork.

 BTW, when I started contracting for NetDEF, I was told Alistair was seed
 funding it. What was the amount of that seed funding, and how much other
 sponsorship came in and when?

Look up the public records if you care about this. It’s all in there.

I note that's a non-answer.

I let this stand like this and suggest to everyone read the archives of the list.

I note that I David has the off-list email, and I bet you do too.

OpenSourceRouting is a PROJECT of NetDEF. What part is not clear here? It’s not a company, it’s just a single project.

Again, the question was: What _other_ companies do you have?

I only asked for transparency. I didn’t want to fight. You seem to be interested in it.

Did I go to your project and start trolling with insinuations about transparency? No.

Hey, you havn't even got a public forum AFAIK. Where's my slack invite?

I’ve asked on details of the changes to made public by someone who knows (i.e. you, maybe others), so the community is aware who is still working on security issues.

Wah wah wah.

Go enjoy your fork Martin. Why are you even here?

That’s all. I mentioned that this wasn’t about me and there is no need to argue how I had to be kicked out because I work for such an evil non-profit and dare to work on more than one open source project.

I have 0 problems with:

1. For profits working on software.

2. Non-profits working on software, free or other wise.

3. Special status, tax-exempt non-profits working on free software.

4. People being sponsored or employed to work on software.

It's a free world, and that's how I like it, esp. for categories 1 and 2. Category 3 is special though.

My question here is:

- You and David have involved yourself in Quagga under the mantle of
  '3', but have you got significant other business interests under some
  category that you've not disclosed to the community?

If you won't answer that "transparently" (the word of the week), then my strong advice to you, again, is:

  Go and enjoy your code, and stop messing around here!

You could have just responded that you made the decision to clean up the list because you felt that this and this and this person was no longer useful or wanted. This would have been helpful for the community (The Quagga Community which I still care about a lot)

Wah wah wah.

How many companies are you an officer of? What is their status and purpose? Over the relevant period...

You're not going to answer that, so... Enjoy your fork! Happy to talk tech. Quagga governance is no longer your concern - and hasn't been for 6 months at least.

Paul Jakma | p...@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
Mandrell: "You know what I think?"
Doctor:   "Ah, ah that's a catch question. With a brain your size you
          don't think, right?"
                -- Dr. Who
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