On Wednesday, 20 July 2016 11:56:33 UTC+10, raah...@gmail.com  wrote:
> Ya debian still uses kde4. There is probably nothing kde5 can do better 
> security or functionality wise.

> Some people still have the shutdown issue.  I had it on 3.0 and i believe on 
> 3.1 also on two machines.  I know Eva on the mailing list have the issue it 
> depends on whats running.  But I haven't noticed it lately.

I mainly found that whenever I had the trouble, it was just an IRQ issue, Or 
else the rare, "the guest has shutdown but I have not been told" issue.

> Firefox only use to freeze full screen for me in 3.1 with fedora templates.  
> But worked in debian and whonix.  Ever since debian dropped the firefox 
> weasel  to firefox esr for some reason now on my machine it has same issue 
> fedora always had in Qubes.

I hate any of the new firefox since 24, so I mainly use ESR myself, because 
it's one of the last ones, ESR24, that still has the COR$RECT options that we 
need and want. But I've never had the fullsccreen issue, on any system.

> I have disliked fedora since fedora 20,  Fedora 19 was a good one. But ever 
> since then more and more unstable. And I think it was fedora 22 that 
> introduced dnf which I dont' like and a whole lot of other problems.   But I 
> agree i have no problem with the older DE versions.  I don't need the new 
> fancy desktop themes or for my old hardware to become unsupported.   And for 
> new hardware like skylake stuff I'm sure they could just upgrade kernels and 
> keep lts or older ones available.

Exactly. I hate systemd. I hate wanky GUI stuff. I want functionality, not 
pretty crap. That was ONE of the things about the GUI they were going to have 
for the new manager, it lost 99% functionality, and gained 500% bloated 
graphics and lost realestate, not to mention the display of data that is good.

YUM is better than DNF.

The thing with that is... "qubes-dom0-update" runs.. and the firewall vm passes 
it from the YUM call to the DNF call.. Qubes didn't even remedy that when the 
templates were moved from 21 - 23. 

KDE5 is laggy, jumpy, unstable, not user friendly, menu system sucks (unlike 
KDE4), crashes every 2 seconds, has issues with updates to itself, can't handle 
multiple monitors easily (only 2, I'd hate to see it with the 5 monitor combo)..
It has got more bugs than it fixed. 

> Right now everyone is demanding gpu passthrough lol.
Why....?  Why passthrough??? If they want that then they are NOT "normal users" 
which it's aimed at.

I have had GPU passthrough since Qubes 2.0. So I don't know what they are 
wanting it for when it's already there.

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