On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 9:32:05 AM UTC+2, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> On 2016-08-30 00:05, Darko Vuković wrote:
> > On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 8:54:52 AM UTC+2, Andrew David Wong 
> > wrote: On 2016-08-29 23:41, Darko Vuković wrote:
> >>>> On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 8:26:40 AM UTC+2, Andrew
> >>>> David Wong wrote: On 2016-08-29 21:28, Drew White wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Saturday, 20 August 2016 04:28:16 UTC+10, Andrew
> >>>>>>> David Wong wrote:
> >>>>>>>> I don't know enough about the AMD platform to answer
> >>>>>>>>  definitively, but if I'm interpreting this Twitter 
> >>>>>>>> exchange correctly, it sounds like you might be
> >>>>>>>> right:
> >>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>> https://twitter.com/QubesOS/status/756041961203785728
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> So what are the actual requirements for Qubes 4?
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> The minimum requirements haven't been officially announced
> >>>> yet. (Only the requirements for Qubes Hardware Certification
> >>>> have been).
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> If I understood correctly, one peace of the puzzle is Intel
> >>>> EPT (Extended Page Tables) enabled CPU's. So any
> >>>> laptop/notebook with one of them.
> >>>> 
> >>>>>> http://ark.intel.com/search/advanced?ExtendedPageTables=
> >>>>>>  true&MarketSegment=MBL
> >>>> 
> >>>> but, what I've  managed to find on this topic is that you 
> >>>> should avoid
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> - CPU with Intel® vPro Technology (so say good buy to: 
> >>>> http://ark.intel.com/search/advanced?s=t&MarketSegment=MBL&; 
> >>>> VProTechnology=true)
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> and
> >>>> 
> >>>> - Intel wireless cards (use Atheros instead)
> >>>> 
> >>>> There are also three versions of Intel ME (Management
> >>>> Engine), Commercial and Consumer. They are both bad but
> >>>> consumer version is crippled one (less bad). I'm not sure how
> >>>> can someone pick one or the other but it would be nice to
> >>>> know.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Potentially deadliest combination (privacy wise) is: CPU
> >>>> with vPro Technology+Intel wireless card+Intel ME
> >>>> (commercial version)
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> It would be nice if someone could confirm(or deny) this and
> >>>> add some more information regarding other hardware here.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Thaks
> >>>> 
> > 
> > This thread is about hardware *requirements* for 4.0, not hardware
> >  that it would be prudent to avoid for various reasons.
> > 
> > 
> > Well, I'm sorry for spamming here then but one could easily think 
> > that avoiding "bad hardware" should be exactly the requirement for 
> > this OS?!
> > 
> I'm simply pointing out that your message is not directly relevant to
> this thread. There are already lots of other threads on vPRO, Intel
> ME, etc. You're free to join those discussions or even start your own
> thread, if you like.
> "Bad hardware" is a controversial topic. Not everyone agrees on what
> hardware is "bad" or even what exactly "bad" means in this context.
> Arguably, there is no hardware currently available that is not "bad."
> (Go read Joanna's papers and blog if you're not already convinced of
> this.) If we're going to use computers at all right now, we're going
> to have to accept hardware that is, to a not insignificant degree,
> bad. It's unavoidable (for now).
> Can we, nonetheless, try to minimize the badness? We certainly can,
> and that's an admirable pursuit. Are we going to set, as a minimum
> requirement for Qubes, the elimination of all badness that can
> possibly be eliminated? No, since we realize that the perfect can be
> the enemy of the good. This is the same reason we support USB
> kekyboards, for example. Using a USB keyboard is, frankly, a big
> security risk. It would be better (less bad) not to use one. But some
> of our users have no choice. If they can't use a USB keyboard, they
> can't use Qubes at all. Using Qubes with a USB keyboard is still much
> better than not using it at all. (At least, we think so. We leave this
> determination up to each user rather than making the decision for
> them.) We *could* make PS/2 keyboards a minimum requirement of Qubes,
> thereby denying access to these people. Likewise, we *could* make the
> absence of your list of undesirable hardware components a minimum
> requirement of Qubes, thereby denying access to even more people. In
> both cases, however, we believe the result would be worse for our
> users, so we're not doing it.
> - -- 
> Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> Community Manager, Qubes OS
> https://www.qubes-os.org
> uEja4/SVbgPTtE83v9UMVsIDFa8TXtmpZP0RyTH6s/wLr1iuCODTzMalSmyAVv+y
> taSSU/DluSrKwfEiuCGraBMOvniDPkFXi4QOtOhPDMvHKjkWEjq+zVcKo0OqLiRe
> v5I9le92G4GqUJSIb4l0UkcPKmG+AljdS41u6KlOCuqQuqCGYZj+Z5gVaDzS6gwQ
> 9o0xArRiv2vP4eMIIQPjtX+x9sYSNasJVZqy+W4xw+Ftj3AJzpe+8p7MBw1lXM0d
> Nz9XERTq+jgxNmoineLTepEfz1fnyZRB0jrm3zwHoviEPOgFPWprtsK4cFx52EVc
> GTMFsHdxz4tTW/L6HY3fuZQBxHnWgcLR2Mc5amZgWzRF0N5zsXZZUqmcjpAVDPEe
> Nqwn/HubLbIEwVwgl4dUfIWe5ku6KukY3MhvRuvuzt4sJOl7x9yj3xOugfgJMox+
> Ngi7jJKyLHjIzq/edi8eRAQSooE+7yJbh9VotGKUr23rTNpufspUyMmQXq5dfDeP
> Dv2OIt26mhC1a2qGqTF024cd5zbNBikp6SUt9wQ647pUzXPPY6+5AegeVOd/WTRj
> 4IgNtU0xBaWdDPq17+7DlmYrHfAtDczrpgVH88kTjIFgG3SOdFEIlpFDdqMNJwEZ
> sTlwt5jBHh9NfloiavAs
> =fTH/

I agree with you that we're stuck with the hardware as it is...

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