> > 
> I'm simply pointing out that your message is not directly relevant to
> this thread. There are already lots of other threads on vPRO, Intel
> ME, etc. You're free to join those discussions or even start your own
> thread, if you like.
> "Bad hardware" is a controversial topic. Not everyone agrees on what
> hardware is "bad" or even what exactly "bad" means in this context.
> Arguably, there is no hardware currently available that is not "bad."
> (Go read Joanna's papers and blog if you're not already convinced of
> this.) If we're going to use computers at all right now, we're going
> to have to accept hardware that is, to a not insignificant degree,
> bad. It's unavoidable (for now).
> Can we, nonetheless, try to minimize the badness? We certainly can,
> and that's an admirable pursuit. Are we going to set, as a minimum
> requirement for Qubes, the elimination of all badness that can
> possibly be eliminated? No, since we realize that the perfect can be
> the enemy of the good. This is the same reason we support USB
> kekyboards, for example. Using a USB keyboard is, frankly, a big
> security risk. It would be better (less bad) not to use one. But some
> of our users have no choice. If they can't use a USB keyboard, they
> can't use Qubes at all. Using Qubes with a USB keyboard is still much
> better than not using it at all. (At least, we think so. We leave this
> determination up to each user rather than making the decision for
> them.) We *could* make PS/2 keyboards a minimum requirement of Qubes,
> thereby denying access to these people. Likewise, we *could* make the
> absence of your list of undesirable hardware components a minimum
> requirement of Qubes, thereby denying access to even more people. In
> both cases, however, we believe the result would be worse for our
> users, so we're not doing it.
> - -- 
> Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> Community Manager, Qubes OS
> https://www.qubes-os.org
> uEja4/SVbgPTtE83v9UMVsIDFa8TXtmpZP0RyTH6s/wLr1iuCODTzMalSmyAVv+y
> taSSU/DluSrKwfEiuCGraBMOvniDPkFXi4QOtOhPDMvHKjkWEjq+zVcKo0OqLiRe
> v5I9le92G4GqUJSIb4l0UkcPKmG+AljdS41u6KlOCuqQuqCGYZj+Z5gVaDzS6gwQ
> 9o0xArRiv2vP4eMIIQPjtX+x9sYSNasJVZqy+W4xw+Ftj3AJzpe+8p7MBw1lXM0d
> Nz9XERTq+jgxNmoineLTepEfz1fnyZRB0jrm3zwHoviEPOgFPWprtsK4cFx52EVc
> GTMFsHdxz4tTW/L6HY3fuZQBxHnWgcLR2Mc5amZgWzRF0N5zsXZZUqmcjpAVDPEe
> Nqwn/HubLbIEwVwgl4dUfIWe5ku6KukY3MhvRuvuzt4sJOl7x9yj3xOugfgJMox+
> Ngi7jJKyLHjIzq/edi8eRAQSooE+7yJbh9VotGKUr23rTNpufspUyMmQXq5dfDeP
> Dv2OIt26mhC1a2qGqTF024cd5zbNBikp6SUt9wQ647pUzXPPY6+5AegeVOd/WTRj
> 4IgNtU0xBaWdDPq17+7DlmYrHfAtDczrpgVH88kTjIFgG3SOdFEIlpFDdqMNJwEZ
> sTlwt5jBHh9NfloiavAs
> =fTH/

I agree with you that we're stuck with the hardware as it is... 

It's still beyond me how it's not relevant to hardware requirements when 
someone can, for example, easily pick one CPU/Wireless card instead of another 
when buying laptop/desktop...
For non technical person (like me) that is the only hardware requirement I can 
deal with :)) 

Anyways, It seemed little rude from your side to dismiss me like that... but no 
hard feelings, we're on the same side here, right?  :) 


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