And yes, by all means, I will use Whonix's system rather than my own custom 

I originally created my own, because I saw that Whonix didn't have VT-D.

But then I learned that VT-D is nowhere near as good as I thought.

I originally thought VT-D isolates the devices from the Net VM itself. But in 
fact, VT-D only keeps the devices inside of Net VM... and the security of Net 
VM itself is still dependent on Xen.

So... yes.... I will definitely look into using Whonix for this rather than my 
own script.

But just to re-iterate my previous question.. do you think Ethernet is any more 
secure than WiFi.

In your answer, you explicitly say to get rid of WiFi, due to security 
problems... But how about Ethernet..?


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