i reinstalled Qubes again. This time the network works! (When i disabled 
"whonix" option in the process of instalation - the Qubes has wrong MAC - like 
FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF - and thats why cloned MAC doesnt worked)
So.. Now i installed NVIDIA.run driver as it recomended in "Manual installation 
-> Userspace components"(https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/install-nvidia-driver/)
Next step (excerption):
"Kernel module

You will need:

    nvidia kernel module sources (left from previous step)
    kernel-devel package installed
    gcc, make, etc"

Hmmmm... "nvidia kernel module sources (left from previous step)" - is it means 
that i need fedora18 anyway? (I thought "Manual installation" is alternative of 
something building.. i.e. i need build something anyway, ok). But this step 
have no sense:
"Build kernel package
You will need at least kernel-devel (matching your Qubes dom0 kernel)". 
Because Qubes dom0 kernel have another versions: 4.1.24-10.pvops.qubes.x86_64. 
RPMfusion have some packages with words "pvops" and "qubes"? I think no. 

"The only package you have to compile is the kernel module (but there is a 
ready built src.rpm package)." Where????

Fuck.. I so tired from this shit((( All instructions is "advice, advice, 
advice" instead of full series of "command, command, command"

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