-----Original Message-----
From: Marek Marczykowski-Górecki [mailto:marma...@invisiblethingslab.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 3:54 PM
To: Wim Vervoorn <wvervo...@eltan.com>
Cc: qubes-users <qubes-users@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [qubes-users] UEFI installation issue

Hash: SHA256

On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 01:44:35PM +0000, Wim Vervoorn wrote:
> Hello Marek,
> I tried this by changing the "coreboot" name in my coreboot version.
> After that I performed a re-install.
> After doing so this issue is solved. The xen.cfg is generated correct and the 
> bootoptions are set correctly as well.
> After this the system boots correctly without manual interactions.
> I did run into another issue however but this is not related to writing the 
> boot options I assume. After finalizing the setup the system is stuck with a 
> cursor in the top left corner. I need to turn the system off to proceed. I 
> try to gather some more information about this and post this as well.
> Besides that I am wondering how you will deal with this issue. Will this be 
> included in a new 3.2 release at some point in time or do I need to create a 
> custom version to include this fix?

See the issue I linked before[1]. There will updated 3.2 installation image 
("3.2.1") in some not-so-distant future.

[1] https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/2553

- --
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
Version: GnuPG v2


Hello Marek,

Thanks for the feedback.

This is my last line of the anaconda logging:

22:50:35,609 INFO anaconda: Running kickstart %%post script(s)

So my system seems to be stuck here:

def runPostScripts(scripts):
    postScripts = [s for s in scripts if s.type == KS_SCRIPT_POST]

    if len(postScripts) == 0:

    log.info("Running kickstart %%post script(s)")
    for script in postScripts:

    log.info("All kickstart %%post script(s) have been run")

Problem is that I don't know the process well enough to figure out which 
scripts are executed here.

Do you have some suggestions?

Best regards,

Wim Vervoorn

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