On Wednesday, 24 May 2017 08:04:39 UTC+10, Connor Page  wrote:
> I've managed to install pfSense as a HVM. not sure if it makes sense to run 
> it as a trusted firewall but that is possible. I created 2 netvms called LAN 
> and DMZ and created bridges in those. i made a copy of pfSense HVM config and 
> changed interface type to bridge, added a second virtual interface and linked 
> them to bridges in LAN and DMZ backends. a pci network interface was also 
> delegated to that domain (thought it would become the WAN) but pfSense didn't 
> recognize it.
> I created an alternative config for a Manjaro HVM to connect to the bridge in 
> LAN and after manually setting addresses on all network interfaces and 
> bridges and a bit of tinkering with iptables I could login to pfSense admin 
> portal from Manjaro
> I think putting it together with standard appvms and proxyvms in one network 
> topology is possible but I haven't tried yet.
> for reference re multiple network interfaces connecting to bridges 
> http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsNICSVirtual

Whenever I perform an install, I always get "No-link-up conencted" when it 
tries to find the current WAN device and I've got it connected to the firewall 
instead of a physical device.

I attach a physical device...
"bge0: watchdog timeout -- resetting" 
"bge0: firmware handshake timed out, found 0x58000000" 
"bge0: firmware handshake timed out, found 0x58000000" 

Then a few minutes later it does it again.

How did you get around this?

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