On Monday, June 26, 2017 at 10:44:41 PM UTC-4, cooloutac wrote:
>    I guess just use testing or unstable repos if you want to have the latest 
> for now.   I have no idea where to get the beta for 4.0 if thats what you're 
> asking.

Yes, that's partly what I am asking.  I read where 4.0 is going to have a bit 
more restrictive requirements and while I have tested most of my hardware, I 
still want to use the latest 4.0 "beta" for now.

Yeah, where do you get 4.0 beta?  I see the source seems to point to version 


I also see "branches" of each release, such as Release 3.2:


Are we supposed to pull the 4 main repos and build 4.0 ourselves?  It doesn't 
look that difficult. 

Overall, I am wondering if there basically is a way to enable a "repo" and just 
update to mostly what the devs are pushing to.  

But yeah, if there are separate branches... I guess I can just pick a version 
and stick to it.

I replace Xfce with i3wm anyways... Which removes the vast majority of the GUI 
work by the team.  All that is left is basically the hypervisor and inner-VM 
communications (and Display VM - which has some issues with i3wm, such as that 
I haven't found a way to fullscreen something yet).  

If there has been significant infrastructure changes to those, I see the point 
of repaving and restoring.  Then again, Arch is more than happy to break your 
current installation with its rolling release because of a change (e.g. the 
move to "systemd" one sunny day that shocked everyone).

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