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On 2017-12-02 09:13, Stumpy wrote:
> On 02.12.2017 01:36, Andrew David Wong wrote: On 2017-12-01 13:24,
> Stumpy wrote:
>>>> On 01.12.2017 10:05, Tom Zander wrote:
>>>>> On Friday, 1 December 2017 00:37:47 CET Stumpy wrote:
>>>>>> I am not so familiar with google groups but I don't have
>>>>>> a google account
>>>>> For those of us in that section of the population; you can
>>>>> subscribe to the group without having a google account and
>>>>> get 100% of the emails in your email application of
>>>>> choice.
>>>>> The details are here; 
>>>>> https://www.qubes-os.org/mailing-lists/
>>>>> Quoting from it;
>>>>>> Google Groups
>>>>>> You don’t have to subscribe in order to post to this
>>>>>> list. However, subscribing might nonetheless be
>>>>>> desirable, as it ensures that your messages will not be
>>>>>> eaten by the Google Groups spam filter and allows you to
>>>>>> receive messages which were sent directly to the list.> 
>>>>>> To subscribe to the list, send a blank email to 
>>>>>> qubes-users+subscr...@googlegroups.com.> Note: A Gmail
>>>>>> account is not required. Any email address will work.
>>>> Thanks for the response. Perhaps I am a bit confused but I
>>>> have subscribed to the mailing list but some of the responses
>>>> only seem to be in google groups, not my inbox, so in order
>>>> to reply I would have to get a google account no?
> No, a Google Account is not required. Many people who use the
> Qubes mailing lists never create one. If you're subscribed to one
> of the lists, you should be receiving every message sent to that
> list. (Of course, you won't retroactively receive emails that were
> sent to the list before you subscribed.)
>> Really? I must be doing something wrong. I had origonally sent a
>> message to qubes-users+subscr...@googlegroups.com and got a
>> confirmation message but I dont get any messages except some of
>> the responses to my posts that I sent to
>> qubes-users@googlegroups.com I will read the mailing list page
>> again because I think I have missed an important detail

I just tried to search for your email address in the list of
qubes-users subscribers, and it's not there. So, it looks like your
address was never successfully subscribed, or it was unsubscribed at
some point. I recommend that you try to subscribe again.

- -- 
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS



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