> Can you also try doing this against the template you're using for your 
> sys-firewall?
> qvm-features fedora-26-minimal qubes-firewall 1 

I did this and restarted everything, no difference.

> Yes probably. For reference, to check (or enable):
> - go to start menu/System Tools/Qube Manager
> - right click sys-net/Qube Settings/Services tab
> - clocksync should be in the list and ticked if not type clocksync and click 
> on +
> - I think a full reboot is required. There are probably ways to avoid it... 

clocksync is checked.

> I am confused, did you do this in sys-net or sys-firewall. Because sys-net 
> would have a default route and a route for your Lan. You may have tripped the 
> info which is fine.

In fact I left the default routes away and just focused on the missing one.
When I start sys-firewall a new network interface is added (vifx.0) where x is 
a number.
"ifconfig -a" displays:

vif3.0: flags=4098<BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
(and also 2 default interfaces: enp0s0 and lo, which are both UP and RUNNING)

I noticed here that "UP" / "RUNNING" is missing for the vif, therefore I have 
to "up" it myself.
This might be part of the problem, since it has to be running in order to add a 
new route (which should be done automatically).
So "route" in sys-net displays only the default routes:

Destination     Gateway     Genmask     Flags     Metric     Ref     Use     
default     gateway     UG     100     0     0     enp0s0     U     100     0     0    enp0s0

So if I add the route myself it additionally displays:     U     100     0     0    vif3.0

So far so good, the values in sys-net are looking "ok" to me now. Or am I 
missing something?

> on sys-firewall, you are probably going to need to ifconfig eth0 up and you 
> should have something like this:
> -bash-4.4# netstat -nr
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
>         UG        0 0          0 eth0
> UH        0 0          0 
> eth0 

On sys-firewall eth0 and lo are UP and RUNNING, but "route" takes around 20 
seconds to finish and displays:

Destination     Gateway     Genmask     Flags     Metric     Ref     Use     
default     gateway     UG     0     0     0     eth0
gateway     UH     0     0     0    eth0

The long waiting time before "route" finishes makes me wonder...

I deleted the default routes and recreated them. I also restarted the eth0 

When I try to ping from sys-firewall I get:

>From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
>From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable

I also switched the templates of sys-net and sys-firewall to debian-9, but the 
result is the same (vif down in sys-net, no route for vif).

The more I try to fix this, I get a feeling that the root of the problem lies 
inside sys-net.
It seems like the vif in sys-net does not get "up", which breaks the 
setup/initialization script (or maybe it breaks earlier, I don't know).

If I knew, which steps have to be done to set up network between a VM, 
sys-firewall and sys-net correctly, I could try to pinpoint the problem better.
What happens exactly behind the scenes when sys-firewall starts and uses 
sys-net as netVM?
Also I was thinking if iptables might be involved here?!

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