On Saturday, March 3, 2018 at 6:33:27 AM UTC-5, awokd wrote:
> On Thu, March 1, 2018 11:13 am, Yuraeitha wrote:
> > On Thursday, March 1, 2018 at 9:30:52 AM UTC+1, jer...@disroot.org wrote:
> >
> >> where do i find support for security, privacy? (some place where i can
> >> post with anonimity too, reddit privacy requires java script i think,
> >> doesn't it compromise anonimity? also i would like to ask how things
> >> are recommended in doing, like a guide, etc...
> >>
> >> for example i need to know if enabling java script to watch youtube in
> >> tor will compromise anonimity or anything like that, or enabling java
> >> script in other websites, if it's a risk.. and how i should tell where
> >> i can enable java script, etc.. also if it's recommended to buy stuff
> >> through tor, and how, etc and what its benefits, etc...
> General usage questions about Tor might be best asked over on the
> tor-users mailing list. Enabling Javascript anywhere is a risk because it
> opens up attack vectors to your computer, but by itself it will not
> automatically compromise anonymity. Someone would have to be using an
> exploit delivered over Javascript to do that. This is pretty unlikely in
> the case of large sites such as Youtube or Reddit, unless state agencies
> are targeting you specifically (which Tor makes more difficult).
> Qubes is designed to contain exploits to a single VM. If you use it with a
> disposable VM for browsing, even if you do get compromised in a browsing
> session such as by a Javascript virus in Google ads on Youtube, closing
> that Tor Browser and opening a new one will result in it using a fresh,
> non-compromised disposable VM.
> Buying items through Tor means using your real identity through Tor. Some
> people use Tor for everything including banking. Some use Tor for all
> browsing except anything involving their real identity. Others just use
> Tor occasionally for some sites. Try searching tor-users mailing list for
> questions similar to yours; you'll need to develop your own answer.

That is how 99.9% of those caught using tor are found.  Its from bad opsec not 
actually breaking of tor itself.    Tech even the way silk road was brought 
down was via a spoof more than 100% of breaking tor.  but like anything layers. 
 Whats great about qubes is it helps in numerous ways from being resistant to 
the spread of malware its easy integration oh whonix.  It ability to string 
numerous network tunneling chains together to creating multiple layers if done 
correctly have the effect of indecent cells working to a common goal with only 
the end user knowing all parts.  Qubes is but one part but its configuration 
allows for numerous ways and layer for security and or if done with proper 
opsec anonymity

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