
On Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 9:48:51 PM UTC+1, tai...@gmx.com wrote:
> I will not be participating in any website or wiki of this type if 
> people with zero qualifications are allowed to provide "advice".
> There are quite a lot of people on this list giving literally dangerous 
> advice or telling people not to bother with increasing their security 
> with libre software/hardware because of vague theoretical backdoors...of 
> course they fail to mention the actually *proven* backdoors in closed 
> source software/hardware - considering that qubes etc is used by people 
> in oppressive third world regimes bad advice well intentioned or 
> otherwise can get people killed what they are doing goes beyond simple 
> incompetence.
> I believe the minimum of qualifications should be having at least one 
> owner controlled motherboard with coreboot/libreboot/OpenPOWER firmware.
> As a starter rule I would also say that people who have gmail/microsoft 
> accounts should not be allowed to comment at all because they probably 
> have no idea what they are doing[1].
> I also suggest that it be hosted on a platform that respects its users, 
> which excludes anything google cloudflare microsoft source-forge etc.
> [1] qmastery man you clearly have actual skills why do you keep using 
> one? its not like there aren't alternatives either paid or free not only 
> are you giving up your data you are helping them with their AI research 
> that will put people out of work every time you complete a re-captcha.

If the goal is to target people who have little knowledge of security and make 
them more aware, then how to do this is very, very different than targeting 
people that seek to maximize security as far as possible, and keep learning in 
order to do just that. Most people are the former, not so many the latter. But 
the point is, those who seek to maximize security, will keep seeking answers 
and keep learning, while the other group spend very little time and energy on 

So the problem here, if the community is off-putting, rude, elitist, or heavily 
rule based, then you will scare off exactly the kind of people that needs quick 
information and help to build a stronger security, while it will take much more 
to put off those who seek to maximize security whom are likely to stay.

But here an elitist or iron tight rule based community is created, in contrast 
to an open, welcoming and culture based community. If the goal is to reach as 
many people as possible with proper security, then a balance has to be sought 
between these two extremes.

You would have to first put forwardd the question, who is the target group? Is 
it the people that seek to maximize security? or is to spread out and make 
people more aware and use better security? 

Both can be achieved too, one does not exclude the other. But heavy use of 
rules and elitist attitudes will surely push anyone away who puts little time 
and effort into security.

If you want both, then a lot more effort has to be put into forming the proper 
culture and codex among the user-base, and this is often what community 
designers are either lazy or ignorant about. 

A proper community archiving both, would have to be a constant process that 
keeps working towards building the community, and not some place that is set in 
stone and unchanging.

What is needed is contant effort, and not to become lazy or ignorant about the 
community, but keep working on maintaining the balance and quality.

I agree with your view that some checks and rules are needed, but what can be 
shaped and guided through culture, should be done through culture, not by rules 
just because someone likes and feel better about rules (people are different, 
and that's okay). 

If a person wants to spread and increase awareness of proper security, but at 
the same time want to lock-down the community hard by heavy use of rules, then 
that person has a cognitive bias. So I want to ask, who do you tihnk is the 
target group? Spreading the awareness of security, requres the human 
factor/psychology/culture to be included.

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