On Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 3:15:13 AM UTC+1, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> On 2018-03-07 08:48, Yuraeitha wrote:
> > It might be a good idea to have some finished thoughts /
> > discussions ready for Andrew, it'd be inhuman to expect him to read
> > everything (it's a lot to read).
> Thanks. I appreciate that. :)
> > it might be best to start where the least work is needed from the 
> > Qubes staff.
> Yeah. Ideally, we'd like to keep the official qubes-doc PR system the
> way it currently is and have the new system be completely autonomous
> and community-run without any involvement from the Qubes staff. By way
> of analogy, think of the official system as a command-line tool and
> the community system as a user-friendly GUI frontend for that tool.
> People who either don't know how or don't want to use the command-line
> tool (i.e., submit a proper PR to qubes-doc) can instead use the GUI
> (i.e., submit content, ideas, and suggestions in any format, which the
> community then turns into proper PRs).
> - -- 
> Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> Community Manager, Qubes OS
> https://www.qubes-os.org
> iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEZQ7rCYX0j3henGH1203TvDlQMDAFAlqgnJcACgkQ203TvDlQ
> MDA1XBAAs8dC9Ue4kwLToYNRWTIpY+se2pn8RCQ8gqfKNgVDPNO7Qb3z7lw8kERF
> KLAktV4HL4NCz8jTJTKh0bMTB2lERytYm6uenx/fYT+fACFRAB7gg7o8D4lE+g7m
> zedYznKQHg9x2Ehi+KfVDtbEHdfagDfOW5SSWixDUyK60ZYXHDivAzZkWytMc8b8
> yZq3hZZsq8GcXAoMpxWOLl9sx5TiVHN+7WVphPEXYe0wCiCwPlwY3hDznzWAFWq2
> 2h+aYjnwRKVkvMAbcxrmfSXK0Bwr+Ccr29vBzzQ/eOgWcXwjt6oShkOoFTPLSvla
> G3JAzm+15r/7KeKItQuuXVQECGJhCqaZVs6DJFsSLAxTsfg449y3i+EFZC7hkOrM
> 3glht/vfSOsFY0LChcTc+99sCZnwN/0Q7weXd/86+nn18Qh3Ce7I77nHA1PaXMt7
> +/IUM+ZB7RY9dTUsdO3Mw2/GDtOohz8Ofmywuc7yhpzLgn+pPX+WP60jKZzRIkcw
> dpvxSzYYGy5Mhc0TyjKTTqRXbZFWCyveOcfLG4r65iEkjN/Fvtr2CGhlcgaDxHN4
> J2+h4dM15AH55PqCRvKuNMfeJP+KTgDBI8X3fo/zN0bHo/bmZjr737MZkr/R+mSO
> veELCoGf0lA4iskF+dUQEsLw73PLBK0dUI7zU8WWLg4CMzJjjG4=
> =IUpz

It would feel bad if causing you trouble rather than helping, I hope we will be 
able to provide help :) I can only speak for my self, but I believe others feel 
the same, feel free to correct us if we're doing something wrong with this 
community project. <-- when I say "us", it is based on my belief, but as said I 
can't speak for everyone. I mean, it would be horrible if we impacted Qubes in 
a way that you guys didn't like, after all the amazing work you guys did with 
Qubes over all these years, you guys essentially poured your souls into this. 
Consider to bring out that whip if something is off!

If I interpreted this correctly, my understanding is that it's preferred that a 
community like this to have an inviting GUI platform, so that it can easier 
gain traction and build up users, and include more people? i.e. github is not 
desired for the central community environment?

Maybe we could beta-run a volunteer run GUI based platform first before you 
decide if it should be made official on i.e. recognized on the Qubes website 
with a link? testing the waters a bit by dipping the toe in, before taking a 
full dive. With only some platform volunteers aware of it at first to test it? 
If it works, then we can always scale it up, or if it should fail, then change 
direction or start-over with a new discussion. Something like that, a beta run 
could be insightful before any final decisions are made.

I hesitate to use the forum word here, perhaps a new fresh discussion is 
warranted as for which platform to use? But if GUI is an important factor to 
include, then a forum might be the most suitable? There will always be some who 
don't like every platform though. But did I understand it correctly that the 
Qubes staff actually likes the idea of a forum, but just doesn't have the 
man-power to run it? i.e. if you had the volunteers, then this is a desired 
platform/direction seen by the Qubes staff to go? Maybe preserving the 
mailing-lists, but integrating a forum where a forum makes sense, and then keep 
the mailing-lists as they are now and have them coexist?

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