On Mon, 4 Feb 2019 10:15:28 +0100
Stefan Schlott <ste...@ploing.de> wrote:

>I'd like to have some VMs on a secondary disk. I successfully followed
>the guidelines from https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/secondary-storage/
>Troubles arise when the disk is not available at boot time. I'm working
>on some mount/unmount scripts which adds/removes the storage pools. But
>it seems that this is not enough: Upon reboot (with the pool from the
>secondary disk removed), the qubesd terminates with an exception,
>causing the whole Qubes installation not to boot properly.
>First, I added some try-catch in qubes/app.py (line 905) so the qubesd
>starts even if some VMs cause errors. Perhaps this would be a general
>nice behaviour?
>After re-adding the pool, all VMs from the secondary disk pointed to the
>primary pool. Manually editing the /var/lib/qubes/qubes.xml fixed the
>issue, so I now have a working system again.
>My question: Is there a procedure to properly handle such a second disk
>(unavailable at boot time)?

I do not know the official stance or method, but I symbolically link from the 
standard appVM location to my other drive where I have the larger appVM's.  
Mine is always available so I don't know if Qubes would boot if it weren't, but 
it is a thought...obviously the drive would need to be available to start the 
appVM's located thereon. 

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