On Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 10:18:29 AM UTC-4, awokd wrote:
> > Are there any other Xen-based distros out there I could test? 
> You can add Xen to your stock Fedora install. That takes it roughly to 
> where Qubes begins, but you might want to use the same version of Fedora 
> dom0 uses. 

I'm sure the *last* thing you want to do is add additional variables, as 
things are easier to diagnose with fewer, but...

...there are very very early test-builds of Qubes R4.1 out there utilizing 
Xen 4.12 and Fedora 30. This 2019-07-01 build appears semi-stable in light 
testing. It is, at a high level (and Marek can correct me if I am wrong), 
the R4.01 codebase with up-to-date Xen and dom0 Fedora w/ any Qubes-related 
changes to ensure these work with the Qubes code base. 

I was able to install that particular test build on a Thinkpad X230 for 
testing: https://openqa.qubes-os.org/tests/3021

(note: click on assets tab for link to download the ISO)

It might be worth installing one of those as well on another drive to see 
if newer Xen/Fedora combinations resolve sleep issues or get you closer to 


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