On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 12:15 PM Chris Laprise <tas...@posteo.net> wrote:

> If it doesn't work, then the problem is probably entirely in dom0 and
> Fedora 25. Assuming you already have the testing 4.19 kernel, have you
> thought of upgrading it to the even newer 5.x one as 'latest'? The
> latest kernel is installed by specifying the special package named
> 'kernel-latest'.

qubes-dom0-update kernel-latest # will update available dom0 kernels list
and sets most recent as default

qubes-dom0-update kernel-latest-qubes-vm # will update available VM kernels
list and requires manual checking to see if it changed your global defaults
and/or changed a per-VM kernel setting when older ones are removed

I use both and generally pull from current + current-testing repos.
Currently running 5.1.17-1 in dom0 and a mix in VMs under R4.01.


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