On 8/29/19 2:36 AM, Brendan Hoar wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 3:02 AM rec wins 
> <yrebstv-sgozh3hwpm2stnjn9+b...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> OTP won't ,  if the key does  more than U2F  you may need to  get  a
>> configuration application for the key  and  make sure it's  U2F  only
>> slot 1  , 2  etc
> Yubikey OTP works through a keyboard-like HID, which are blacklisted by
> default in Qubes. In order to directly attach a keyboard-like device to a
> VM you have to override this setting.
> See:
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/usb-qubes/#enable-a-usb-keyboard-for-login
> B

I could be wrong but I not sure you can use  1 key for both U2F and OTP
 , as I mentioned,  you may need to  use the  developers software to
disable one of them . If you disable everything but U2F

then follow the  Qubes Docs for U2F

sort of defeats the purpose of an onlykey I imagine,  I  myself  am
using a U2F only yubikey   , not OTP  gave up on that long time ago

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