On 2019-09-21 07:27, tetrahedra via qubes-users wrote:

Is there a way to turn currently-running DispVM instance into a regular permanent AppVM, which I can delete later?

I'm not sure it this helps or not, but you could try pausing the dispvm and restart it when you need it. I don't know what happens if the machine reboots in the mean time, but that paused vm should stop using memory and cpu thus allowing you to use those resources elsewhere.

For a more long term storage you might look at the new backup software that is in development (Sparsebak). The current qubes backup will only save the starting state of a running dispvm, but the new backup system might possibly store the current state. You could try to pause the dispvm, make a hot backup with sparsebak, and then if you loose your dispvm due to an inadvertent shutdown, then try restoring the prior state from that backup.

Another possibility, pause the dispvm then clone it. I was successful at restarting the clone by running gnome-terminal from the Qubes Manager, but when I exited the terminal app the clone shutdown and disappeared like a normal dispvm. You could also pause the clone rather than shutting it down, and simply try playing the shell game by cloning as a checkpoint, and only start the clone if you loose the original dispvm due to power failure, etc.

Perhaps there is a qubes property that could change that dispvm auto-remove behavior?

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