Thanks Thierry,

Thanks for the detailed explanation and thanks for the work you have chosen to 
do. Thanks even more for upstreaming as much as you already have so that others 
can benefit too.

I want too add a couple of points that I hope are supportative, but let me 
start with an analogy.

When I was an impoverished student I used to fix my own car when it went wrong: 
serious problems too, stripping down the engine at one point. I never enjoyed 
it, and as soon as I was earning I gave that work to the local mechanic even 
though I knew how to do it. 

If someone wants the most secure laptop available on a turnkey basis then they 
would buy from you. Maybe they are not expert enough to know all the pitfalls 
you mention; but even if they do know enough they may make the same choice I 
made over car maintenance. They have things to do with their time that they 
prefer to be doing rather than doing IT stuff. AND they can afford to do so.

There are two sorts of people her who will want to do the work for themselves.

There are those of us who enjoy the process and want to actually work through 
the choices for ourselves as the best way to fully understand our own kit. 

And there are also those of us who need to watch every penny, so will do the 
best we can for ourselves within a budget that makes a 230 affordable at second 
hand prices but not at refurb prices.

Actually I'm in both those groups when it comes to IT, and my security needs 
are not so pressing as to need to pay the security premium that your product 
offers. And I enjoy tinkering with software more than I ever enjoyed lying 
under a car in the road when it was snowing.

So you have my sincere thanks for the info you do share (both through the open 
source channels and through posts like this one). And if a friend asks me to 
install a secure OS for them I will send them to you rather than take on a 
lifetime commitment to give them free support. 

Equally, from where I am at the moment I would actually prefer to buy the 
second hand laptop and work through the process myself. But please don't ever 
think that that means I disrespect what you are doing, or that I have any 
problem with your pricing policies. You've made this your work and you are 
totally entitled to make a living out of it. At the end of the day I'm a 

And it's not just free beer: I pay back when I can, not with currency, but in 
giving advice here when I see other ppl who are struggling with what I already 
solved, by making bug reports, and I've even edited the Qubes docs on a couple 
of occasions. For me free as in speech is a two way process: I come to ask 
questions here, but when I come I always find myself answering questions as 

So much kudos to you for your choice of making your livelihood, and for 
facilitating hobbyists and those on low budgets by sharing info as well.

Have a great year Thierry


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