On 1/1/20 1:36 PM, Thierry Laurion wrote:

Le mercredi 1 janvier 2020 13:32:00 UTC-5, Chris Laprise a écrit :

    On 1/1/20 5:43 AM, Lorenzo Lamas wrote:
     > Hello Thierry,
     > Thanks for all that you are doing for the community. Do you see a
     > possibility of a Qubes Certified Laptop with an AMD CPU?
     > Intel is affected a lot more than AMD by the sidechannel
     > in the last years. The Privacy Beast has a 3rd gen Intel CPU, Intel
     > stopped providing uCode updates for 1st gen in 2019, so this year is
     > probably the last year they will support 3rd gen. More CPU
     > vulnerabilities will most certainly be discovered in the coming
     > so there is a need for an AMD based certified laptop, or at least a
     > newer generation Intel based laptop, even though that may mean we're
     > stuck with PSP or ME.

    As much as I like the Insurgo/Purism/System76 offerings, this issue has
    weighed on me to reconsider.

    The massive amount of side-channel vulnerabilities have shown Intel's
    engineering is reckless, and it gets worse. They're still pushing
    fraudulent compiler code – detecting and de-optimizing AMD – almost a
    decade after it was reported in the press. And they outright refuse to
    pay government fines relating to their misconduct – which also included
    threatening PC vendors with retaliation if they sell "too many" AMD

    Historically, when a behemoth like Intel goes renegade its because they
    know their products are superior and the public will accept the
    situation as a trade-off. But the only thing that's "superior" about
    Intel is their attitude and their ill-gotten revenue.

    The biggest problem I see is peoples' willingness to go along with what
    is becoming a tradition of anti-competition. Whatever logical fallacies
    are put forward to make it seem palatable with CPUs will also undermine
    user motivations in other areas.

Completely agreeing. This is why this <https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/4318#issuecomment-549986749> needs collaboration to have real solutions in the future.

The relative ease of using another x86 brand with better implementation and ethics such as AMD makes it a clear choice in the meantime, while the much more difficult and lengthy task of adopting open hardware is pursued.

People can wait 18-36 months for a Qubes port to POWER architecture... That is 18-36 months of being subject to maximum side-channel (and probably other) risks and signalling a tacit acceptance of Intel's engineering. And at the end of that period, we still won't have laptops.

Only holding out for the perfect appears to be the enemy of good in this case; it is the wrong mindset for adding alternatives. Under these circumstances, there should be absolutely no hint that a robust x86 alternative is somehow passe... but that appears to be the message coming from vendors.


Chris Laprise, tas...@posteo.net
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