On Mon, May 11, 2020, 10:26 AM 'Ryan Tate' via qubes-users <
qubes-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> I manually maintain this big text list of packages and just use
> that to manually update the fresh templateVM to what I
> need. There's typically also some non package installs, which I
> include basic pointers for (think downloaded rpms and so forth),
> as well as some outside repos to add (e.g. keybase). There's also
> typically some packages I forgot to put on the list, which I can
> usually suss out by going through the bash history for the old
> template, although often there's one or two that slip through the
> cracks, which I find out about eventually and it's not a huge
> deal.

I'm particularly curious if anyone does anything more
> sophisticated than that, using salt or some other automated deploy
> system to prep new template images.

I was just playing with creating a domain bash script that runs "qvm-run
-p"  in one template to extract the list of packages (dnf list), then
subtracts the list from the second template, pulls that difference list up
in an editor, and then pushes the manually edited list to the next template
( dnf install $list). Then I found there were so many packages I did not
particularly want to carry forward without proper investigation that I
essentially put that script on hold.

I obviously need to take my time to decide what I want to bring forward.
Things like python2 packages need to be weeded out, as well as other
packages that I was merely investigating for use at work but don't have any
need for now that I am retired.

I think the general script/process has merit but I have far too many
packages to evaluate in a single session. Simply pushing everything in one
go would merely add a lot of stuff I did not need. When I have time I may
just delete most of the packages from the editor and do this in chunks as I
find time to work on it.

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