On Saturday, 6 June 2020 16:21:35 UTC+1, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Saturday, 6 June 2020 16:13:11 UTC+1, unman wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 06, 2020 at 07:59:14AM -0700, Andrew Sullivan wrote: 
>> > Well, just done my first Qubes install - onto a USB 3 stick attached to 
>> a 
>> > Dell Latitude E5470 (only a temporary arrangement pending installing a 
>> > second SSD in the laptop).  I was pleasantly surprised how smoothly it 
>> went 
>> > (although it took a while to complete the install and updates seem to 
>> take 
>> > an age) and most things I need to work, do. 
>> > 
>> > One thing I can't figure out...  I have data files on the internal SSD 
>> > which I would like to access from Qubes.  I can find reference in the 
>> > documentation to accessing USB sticks, but not a SSD.  I would like to 
>> have 
>> > the access permanent (in a "conventional" Linux installation, I think I 
>> > would edit fstab appropriately?).  Neither lsblk or fdisk -l seem to 
>> show 
>> > me anything about the internal SSD. 
>> > 
>> > I think I must be missing something, any pointer would be welcome. 
>> > 
>> > Thanks 
>> > 
>> Do you want the SSD partitions permanently attached to one qube? 
>       That might work, or maybe better permanently attached to two qubes?
>> If you use qvm-block in dom0 can you see the disk/partitions? 
>      Don't know, I'll give it a try and post back. 

OK, if I click on the  Devices widget I can indeed see all the partitions 
on my internal SSD, with an arrow next to each.  If I click the arrow I get 
a list of qubes, which I believe allows me to attach the selected partition 
to where I want.  However, when I do this I can't find the partition in the 
Files application in the qube.  Think I'm still missing something...  Also, 
am I correct that this attachment will only persist until I close the qube?


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