Qubes User:
I was using Qubes for about 3 months and didn't use it last month.
Yesterday it wouldn't boot.
Using Qubes rescue didn't help. After typing passphrase it says Linux system not
found so it doesn't mount.
So i found a way to mount disk manually. Going through directories found out
that boot folder is empty.
Also if that is not an option i want to save my files but seems like private.img
are missing. There is only icon.png file in VM folders.
Is there any way to recover boot files so i can boot it again or at least save
files from VMs somehow?

Try booting with a LiveCD distribution. Scan and mount the LVM thin volumes with vgchange -ay. You may need to install a package to support LVM thin. You should be able to pull data from the VMs that way.

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