On Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 8:51 AM Unman <un...@thirdeyesecurity.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 08:23:48AM -0300, Franz wrote:
> > >
> > >> take a look to the `qvm-pci` man page, it explains how to detach.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > > Many thanks it worked perfectly
> > >
> >
> > It worked perfectly for a week or so, then the mouse stopped working.
> > Thomas at Vikings, who built the D8 computer with preinstalled coreboot,
> > says it should be a Qubes issue.
> >
> > How may I tell if it is a Qubes issue or a hardware issue?
> > best
> >
> You aren't clear on what is happened here, because you haven't provided
> sufficient detail..
> Do you mean that you allocated a USB controller to a sys-usb, to use
> with the mouse. After a week, the mouse stopped working.
> When both controllers were attached to a single usb-qube the mouse
> worked without interruption.
> Is that the position?

Yes, but it worked also when only one USB controller was allocated to the
mouse qube.

> Did the other USB qube continue to work?

yes it works, I am able to mount an external USB drive. Also lsusb works
and shows the external USB drive

> If you type lsusb in the "mouse"-usb do you see the mouse attached?

No,  lsusb hangs, with no output

> If you attach another usb device, does lsusb and dmesg show the device
> being attached?

dmesg on mouse qube gives a lot of errors, even various red ones. But I am
totally unable to understand if they are serious or related to the mouse

If you attach the mouse to the *other* usb qube, does it appear there?

yes lsusb shows it there.

If you revert to a single usb qube, does the mouse work for more than a
> week there?

I have not tried it yet, but I no longer have the original single USB qube,
so I should reinstall Qubes from zero.

If you move the mouse to the other controller, does the mouse work for
> more than a week?

I have not tried it yet, because I wanted to keep it separated. The
controller allocated to the mouse qube is on the motherboard and
administered by coreboot, but the controller allocated on the USB-key qube
is on a PCI card and I know nothing about it. But I am quite sure it would
work because lsusb works, mouse is recognized and disks are mounted.

> Let's think about this.
> Many Qubes users will be using coreboot.
> Many Qubes users will be using more than one usb qube.
> Many Qubes users use a usb mouse for more than one week without
> incident.
> What is different about you? Coreboot, Your hardware.
> I am not saying that your hardware is at fault - it's just that the most
> likely source is *your configuration and hardware in Qubes*.
> Of course, if Vikings can point to other users with your hardware and
> coreboot build who use Qubes without a problem, that would help too.
I asked but Thomas suggested asking the Qubes ML.

> I would prepare another usb mouse, that can work with the other usb
> qube. Use your mouse-usb qube until it "breaks". Plug the mouse in to
> the other usb qube, and start looking at the "broken" usb qube.
> Look in logs, for any events that might be associated with the loss of
> mouse. Remove and reinsert the broken mouse to see how it is handled.
> Remove and reinsert other usb devices to see how they are handled.
> journalctl, dmesg are your friends, as well as basic troubleshooting.
> (Another mouse, use the other controller, etc)

I understand what you  mean. Your suggestions are all well thought, very
sound and give some hope. The weak point is my capacity to make use of the
error messages of dmesg and journalctl.

Really I am a bit depressed about it. I spent $5000 on that computer ($2500
for the computer and 2500 for importation tax to South America) and also
for some reason it is unable to reboot and also the fans go full speed all
the time because coreboot is unable to administer it. It makes a terrible
noise. Well years ago Taiidan on this ML said there is a way to administer
the fans of D8 by buying some additional equipment, but nobody really knows
what to buy and how to make it work.

So even basic things like mouse, reboot and noise are super complicated and
time consuming. I wonder how it is that on the Qubes HCL this computer is
marked as fully working.

But Unman really many thanks. Your effort to help and your brilliant
expertise are obvious. At least now there is some hope. Before your
intervention I was already contemplating using the computer as a $5000
bedside table, at least it has a nice black mirror door that can accomodate
a book to read before sleeping.

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