
Uwe Klein wrote:
> There is actually another situation where currently ntp is just
> killed of and started again: network interface changes.
> This could be handled in a less disruptive way as well.

The next releases (i.e. v4.2.4p5 and v4.2.6) will support interface changes
much better than older versions, at least after startup. 

That means ntpd detects when new interfaces have appeared, or interfaces
have disappeared, and handles those cases well. That also means those
versions of ntpd work well if started before any interfaces are available,
and initial DNS resolution is delayed until it succeeds.

Unfortunately Linux uses an implementation of network sockets which differs
from the implementation in other Unices, so ntpd does not receive
notifications on interface changes under Linux. Instead, ntpd has to scan
the interfaces in certain intervals to see if something has changed.

Also, those versions of ntpd will still not redo DNS lookups for existing
associations, e.g. to discover when the IP address of an upstream NTP
server has changed.

Martin Burnicki

Meinberg Funkuhren
Bad Pyrmont

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