Hello everybody!

I am using a debian (testing) linux on a virtual machine of VMWare (in a
linux host).
I found, that the time in the VM was awfully wrong and hoped to fix this
with ntp.

Unftorunately this was not the case. I started ntpd and the time was set
properly. After about 5 hours the time deviation was more than 5 minutes.
The strange thing: ntpq tells me, that ntp is absolutely aware of the
deviation (first the deviation is small, but it is growing bigger and
bigger), but it fails in synchronizing correctly. Why?

This is a snippet of my console at 16:15:00
tctecserv:~# date;ntpq -p
Mo 29. Dez 16:22:03 CET 2008
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset
 services.127001    2 u   60   64  377    0.456  -414206
 printcarrier2.n    3 u   61   64  377    0.287  -423359
 mais.von-oppen.     2 u   34   64  377    0.256  -417634
 ps.bucuo.de   2 u   13   64  377    0.247  -423518

And now my questions are:

1. Why fails ntp in synchronizing, although it is aware of the deviation?
2. I assume this problem has to do with the fact, that all this is running
in a VM (virtual machine). Has anybody an idea how to improve the situation?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ludwig Öfele
R&D Software

TopCut GmbH
Wernher-von-Braun-Straße 2
D-86368 Gersthofen

Tel.: +49 (0) 821 / 2198738-53 - Fax.: +49 (0) 821 / 2198738-50

Geschäftsführer: Anton Stahl
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Augsburg HR 21833

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