On 02 Jan 2009 13:44:58 GMT, Steve Kostecke <koste...@ntp.org> wrote:

>On 2009-01-02, George R  Kasica <geor...@netwrx1.com> wrote:
>> On 01 Jan 2009 17:26:02 GMT, Steve Kostecke <koste...@ntp.org> wrote:
>>>I've added this to http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/VMWareNTP
>> Thanks alot for adding that but leave the DISABLE step out at the
>> end...You want it ON. I just gave him both options so that he could
>> see that it really made a difference. You can run it TWICE and the
>> second time should produce an error in either case which prove its
>> really in the correct state.
>It's a Wiki. Anyone can fix this.
Didn't know that. Corrections made. Thanks for letting me know.


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