My experimental stratum-1 server (using a Garmin GPS as its reference clock)
continues to run stably -- albeit with an offset several msec different from
the rest of my home LAN (which is synced to Stanford University's time server

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
oGPS_NMEA(0)     .GPS.            0 l    2    8  377    0.000   -0.001   0.002
 PPS(0)          .PPS.            9 l    6    8  377    0.000    0.000   0.002
*     3 u   10   16  376   10.058   -9.249   3.871

In an attempt to compare my results with something (and get some idea of
which of us -- the campus server or my own -- is more likely correct), I
set up a second test server here at home, using a Conexant HCF modem (a
PCI device) phoning NIST in Colorado.  The results from this setup appear
disappointingly unstable (several msec jitter even after running all night),
but the modem refclock seems to be more in agreement with the campus clock
than with mine.  Here are a few "ntpq -p" outputs from this second system
(I've omitted some of my home LAN systems from the peer list to reduce
clutter somewhat).

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*sixeyes.richw.o .GPS.            1 u   13   16  376    0.103    0.327   0.018     3 u   60   64  376   10.593   -8.087   1.696
 ACTS_MODEM(0)   .NIST.           0 l  273  512  277    0.000   -5.147   3.674

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*sixeyes.richw.o .GPS.            1 u    5   16  377    0.097    0.127   0.014     3 u    9   64  377    9.888  -10.077   2.085
 ACTS_MODEM(0)   .NIST.           0 l  185  512  377    0.000  -16.325  10.689

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*sixeyes.richw.o .GPS.            1 u    4   16  377    0.099    0.158   0.057      3 u    2   64  377    8.919   -9.841   1.103
 ACTS_MODEM(0)   .NIST.           0 l  120  512  377    0.000   -5.147   5.961

The 171.64.7.* hosts in the above are stratum-2 servers at Stanford,
which are in turn syncing to, a stratum-1 server with a
TrueTime GPS receiver.  Also, the delay reaching (on
campus) is because I'm going through a cable modem -- but all my
boxes are running ntp-dev and using xleave, which is why jitter to is low.

I also checked the "clockstats" data on the server with the modem,
and it reported timestamps ending in "#" (delay correction valid).
I can post some of this data if anyone thinks it would matter.

So, at this point, what basis (if any) would I have to conclude that
my test server is or isn't accurate?  And if it isn't accurate, what
should I do to fix the problem?  Or, if the campus server is likely to
be the falseticker, how would one go about establishing that fact?

In case it might matter, I checked the geographical coordinates being
output by my GPS against a satellite photo from Google Maps, and it's
showing my exact location to within a few feet.  And the GPS claims to
be consistently seeing at least seven satellites.  So I would assume
my GPS unit is working properly -- except for the above evidence that
seems to suggest its time is off.

Any thoughts or suggestions welcomed.

Rich Wales  /  /
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