Nero Imhard <> writes:

>Unruh schreef:

>>> We might even agree. It could be appropriate for ntp to include a 
>>> configurable frequency offset that can be used on OSs that lack such a 
>>> feature. That's much more reasonable than to stretch the frequency error 
>>> limit used in the disciplining algorithm.
>>> So if anything in ntp needs to be changed for this, I'd rather see en 
>>> extra tuning knob.
>> Again, a human should not be needed to turn that knob. It should be
>> automated.  ntp knows ( or can be programmed to know) if such an
>> adjustment is needed, and can supply it.

>Except that ntpd just wasn't designed to do this. It requires the 
>frequency error to be within certain bounds. I know that this is one of 
>your criticisms towards the reference implementation, but it doesn't 
>seem likely that this design choice is going to be revisited anytime 
>soon. So please stop lamenting this fact ad nauseam; you have made your 
>opinion very clear countless times already.

>So I was suggesting a knob for calibrating those clocks that haven't 
>been and can't be calibrated otherwise, as a better alternative for 
>arbitrarily cranking up the frequency error limit.

You misunderstand. I was not (necessarily) asing for increased limits on
the slew. Your proposal requires a rewrite of ntpd which allows that
extra knob to be inserted into the ntp.conf file, to be read by the
program, and then implimented by the program. My suggestion is that that
knob be automated by ntp itself. After all your knowledge of how much of
a correction to the rate is needed in adjusting that knob comes from the
evidence supplied by ntp itself. What I am saying is that that evidence
should be collected by ntp itself and ntp itself should twiddle that
knob, not stick in the extra step of having a human try to evaluate the
output of ntp, determine how much that knob should be set, and then
setting it. Remember the tickadjust is very crude. It jumps in amounts
of 100PPM ntp should be able to, extremely rapidly, determine which of
the 100PPM bins to set the tickadjust to and then leave it. It should
not require human intervention. This would then leave the full 500PPM
for adjusting offsets and responding to rate changes caused by thermal
effects for example. As it is now, that 500PPM can be largely eaten up
by compensating for the constant large drift rate of the clock. 

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