Danny Mayer wrote:
> Richard B. Gilbert wrote:
>> E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists wrote:
>>> nemo_outis wrote:
>>>> PS  I too only use the software to synchronize my clocks.
>>>>  However, while I am grateful for the years of effort
>>>>    that ntp reflects, I am not blind to its warts.
>>>>   And while the opinions of a strong personality may have
>>>>    driven the creation of ntp, it seems those same
>>>>    rigidly-held opinions may now be restricting its
>>>>    further growth and development.
>>> I don't see how, it is open source.
>> It is open source.  The reference implementation is tightly controlled 
>> by Dave Mills!  The reference implementation, with allowances for the 
>> idiosyncrasies of various operating systems and compilers, runs on a 
>> broad spectrum of hardware and operating systems.
>> There is nothing to prevent you from modifying that implementation or 
>> writing your own from scratch.  To get your modifications into the 
>> distributed reference implementation, you would have to satisfy Dave 
>> Mills that they were correct, were in fact an improvement, etc.
>> I believe that the reference implementation is Copyrighted so there 
>> could be restrictions on distributing modified versions.
> No, the license makes no limitations on distribution of modified
> versions. Where did you see that?

I wrote "could be" not "are".

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