Steve Kostecke <> writes:

>On 2009-09-14, David Lord <> wrote:

>> Steve Kostecke wrote:
>>> On 2009-09-14, David Lord <> wrote:
>>>> Frank Elsner wrote:
>>>> OT you also have rather a lot of sources specified and if just for a
>>>> single box it seems a bit excessive and could be trimmed to four or
>>>> five (I'd also guess some of those eight get same refid).
>>> Red Herring.
>> No, you missed the OT.


>>>> I've just been trying mobile broadband on a high latency connection


>>>> Then this weekend after reconfigured to use "burst" in server lines
>>> The use of "burst" against other peoples' time servers is generally
>>> considered to be abuse unless you have received permission to do so.


>> Anyway "burst" works and I now give myself permission to use
>> "burst" to set time from my own ntp servers which is as good
>> a compromise as any :-)


>> Can you then suggest how it's at all possible for ntpd to be
>> of any use on a mobile connection with such high latency?

>Add to that the effects of aggressive power saving.

>> I just need to get something working that's significantly
>> better than wristwatch time.

>Perhaps you need to choose a different tool.

You could try chrony if you are running Linux or BSD. It might work
better under your conditions. Your horrible latencies are worrysome, and
make it hard to imagine how anything could work well. 

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