Unruh wrote:
>> Rick Jones wrote:

>> For anyone that cared enough about emissions, (and not about price)
>> they could always get a EMSEC / TEMPEST, Level A / 1, PC. 
> In one case to make it so that it does not destroy other people's enjoyment of
> their system, and the other to make sure a determined adversary cannot make 
> use of
> yours. Different boxes for different folks.

Tempest is about making sure that insufficient radiation exists to be 
able to recover a useful signal.  Normal PC screening is to prevent 
sufficient noise from escaping to cause problems to others.  If you can 
recover useful information above the background noise, the machine is 
definitely compromising any nearby receivers.

Tempest isn't about stopping people accessing your computer, although 
normal EMC screening is, in part, about stopping local radio 
transmitters upsetting the machine.

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