"Richard B. Gilbert" <rgilber...@comcast.net> wrote in message news:nzsdnw01doawx3jwnz2dnuvz_tqdn...@giganews.com...
Of course they will not go into the distribution version. At least it won't go into Dave Mills' distribution.

IF you can make it work across the full spectrum of NTPD usage it will be distributed somehow and people will use it if they perceive that it does, and does well, things that the official *Mills" distribution cannot!

If Dave Mills says "It can't work!" I think the burden of proof that it can and does work is on you.

I find it somewhat disappointing that this attitude exists. At least for end nodes, why can't there be a faster convergence option available? The scenario for NTP usage today is very significantly different from twenty years ago.

I'm also disappointed that people spend time arguing about these issues, when the bugs I have reported (such as significant performance differences between 4.2.4, 4.2.5 and 4.2.6) go unresolved.

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              • ... Richard B. Gilbert
              • ... David J Taylor
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              • ... Richard B. Gilbert
              • ... John Hasler
              • ... Richard B. Gilbert
              • ... David Lord
              • ... unruh
              • ... Richard B. Gilbert
              • ... John Hasler
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