On 2010-05-09, Richard B. Gilbert <rgilber...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>> If Dave Mills says "It can't work!" I think the burden of proof that it 
>>> can and does work is on you.

His method has had a lot of both theoretical and experimental work. That
is great. 
>> That is the problem.  He keeps referring back to his books and the
>> facts he has collected 20 years ago, and a changing environment is not
>> part of his world.
> Dave's math is beyond me but I'm willing to take it on faith.  It works!

I am a theoretical physicist. I understand David's math. It is not
> I suspect that faster convergence would carry a price such as large 
> amplitude oscillation!

No it does not.  Experimental fact from running chrony. 

> If you can't stand it, roll your own!  You may find that it's far more 
> difficult than you think!

Or use something that others have rolled for you-- eg chrony. Jut as
easy as using ntpd.

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              • ... Richard B. Gilbert
              • ... David Lord
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