Richard B. Gilbert <> wrote:
> Rob wrote:
>> Richard B. Gilbert <> wrote:
>>> Please feel free to design your own algorithms to deal with the "systems 
>>> not running 24h/day" and, while you're at it, deal with temperature 
>>> variations and support drift rates up to 5,000 PPM, etc, etc.
>> I don't feel free to design those because I can anticipate that the
>> changes will be rejected and will not go into the distribution version.
> Of course they will not go into the distribution version.  At least it 
> won't go into Dave Mills' distribution.
> IF you can make it work across the full spectrum of NTPD usage it will 
> be distributed somehow and people will use it if they perceive that it 
> does, and does well, things that the official *Mills" distribution cannot!

I don't understand why certain features cannot be available as configurable
options, so that mr Mills can have his limited functionality version while
the rest of the world enjoys the practical, working, featureset.

For example, an option to tell ntpd that it should believe the reference
clocks when they majority-vote that the correct time is very far from the
OS time.  Like -g but also for local reference clocks like GPS, e.g.
via ntpshm.

This should be possible.  And it should not affect mr Mills' systems
when he makes sure he does not enable that option, so they happily
continue to run in January 1970 after a RTC power loss when he likes that

> If Dave Mills says "It can't work!" I think the burden of proof that it 
> can and does work is on you.

That is the problem.  He keeps referring back to his books and the
facts he has collected 20 years ago, and a changing environment is not
part of his world.

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              • ... David J Taylor
              • ... Rob
              • ... Richard B. Gilbert
              • ... John Hasler
              • ... Richard B. Gilbert
              • ... David Lord
              • ... unruh
              • ... Richard B. Gilbert
              • ... John Hasler
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