David J Taylor <david-tay...@blueyonder.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
> "Miroslav Lichvar" <mlich...@redhat.com> wrote in message 
> news:hu5osh$kc...@speranza.aioe.org...
> []
>> I couldn't find a description either, but it seems to work as expected.
>> PPS is turned off when the sync is lost and turned on when a fix is
>> back. It works only when the fix status is changed, i.e. the command
>> itself doesn't change the PPS status.
>> -- 
>> Miroslav Lichvar
> That's good news, Miroslav, thanks for the update.  I'm not sure how best 
> to use that.  If lock is lost for a long period then using an alternative 
> source would be better, even if that means only getting (for example) 
> millisecond accuracy.  But if the outage is just a few minutes, I wonder 
> whether the free-running PPS output might not be better than sync over the 
> Internet?  There may sense in leaving the PPS output running for a few 
> minutes if lock is lost and the PPS is the only precision source - what do 
> you think?

At that level you should leave the thinking to NTPD.  It has the logic
to select the best source and to free-run if appropriate.

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