
Your symmetric peers have the same upstream system peer, so by rule they are not going to believe each other unless one of them switches to a different upstream source. Even if they have differerent upstream sources, one of them will not beleive the other, since that would create a loop.


Kostas Magkos wrote:

Hi all,

I have two Debian etch ntp servers, running on stock 2.6.18-5-amd64
kernel with ntp 4.2....@1.1585-o. The two systems are configured as
stratum 2 ntp servers, synchronised with various public stratum 1
servers. They are configured as symmetric active peers.

How can I ensure that the two servers are actually symmetric peers? When
I list their associations, I can see that each server lists the other
one as reject, outlyer or falseticker. I understand that they couldn't
be sys.peers, but shouldn't they be candindates for each other, in that
way participating in the cluster?

Thanks in advance,

Kostas Magkos

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