David J Taylor wrote:
This is a FreeBSD documentation and FreeBSD comes with a pretty good
default ntp.conf, much like several of you have suggested.

You can find it

It has mostly comments with just a set of 3 (yeah, I know) pool systems.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer


Yes, I must have edited a file like that when I set up my own FreeBSD system. I would take issue with:

- no drift file appears to be specified (although it is mentioned) - I had:

 driftfile /var/db/ntp.drift

- why add maxpoll 9 to all the servers? That seems wrong. I see the note: "The option `maxpoll 9' is used to prevent PLL/FLL flipping on FreeBSD.". So is that a FreeBSD specific issue, and if so, why not fix it in the OS?

You've hit on why it's difficult to have a generic ntp.conf.
It's not just ntpd version specific but operating system version

I swapped my NetBSD systems to FreeBSD after NetBSD-1.6x as I
couldn't get NetBSD-2 to work on my hardware. I swapped back
to NetBSD-3.x when I had hardware compatibility problems with

The default NetBSD ntp.conf for NetBSD 3.1 4.x and 5.1_RC4
are same:

pidfile    /var/run/ntpd.pid
driftfile  /var/db/ntp.drift
logconfig  -syncstatus
tos        minsane 2
server     0.pool.ntp.org
server     1.pool.ntp.org
server     2.pool.ntp.org

My own ntp.conf has restrict lines to allow config from
certain IP addresses and statistics logging enabled.

Local peers have 'minpoll 6 maxpoll 8 iburst' and are back
in sync within about five minutes from a restart. If all
peers are down, as a few weeks back when there was a BT
MSO, it was more like an hour before ntp was ticking again
(I need another couple of radioclocks to cover for this).

Remote servers have 'minpoll 9 maxpoll 11' except from
ISPs I use which have shorter minpoll and 'iburst'.


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