David J Taylor wrote:
"David Lord" <sn...@lordynet.org> wrote in message news:t06tp7-n0b....@p4x2400c.home.lordynet.org...
You've hit on why it's difficult to have a generic ntp.conf.
It's not just ntpd version specific but operating system version

I swapped my NetBSD systems to FreeBSD after NetBSD-1.6x as I
couldn't get NetBSD-2 to work on my hardware. I swapped back
to NetBSD-3.x when I had hardware compatibility problems with

The default NetBSD ntp.conf for NetBSD 3.1 4.x and 5.1_RC4
are same:

pidfile    /var/run/ntpd.pid
driftfile  /var/db/ntp.drift
logconfig  -syncstatus
tos        minsane 2
server     0.pool.ntp.org
server     1.pool.ntp.org
server     2.pool.ntp.org

My own ntp.conf has restrict lines to allow config from
certain IP addresses and statistics logging enabled.

Local peers have 'minpoll 6 maxpoll 8 iburst' and are back
in sync within about five minutes from a restart. If all
peers are down, as a few weeks back when there was a BT
MSO, it was more like an hour before ntp was ticking again
(I need another couple of radioclocks to cover for this).

Remote servers have 'minpoll 9 maxpoll 11' except from
ISPs I use which have shorter minpoll and 'iburst'.



This is growing out of all proportion to my original remark! I simply commented on the lack of an example ntp.conf file in a document. Something like:

 server  0.pool.ntp.org  iburst
 server  1.pool.ntp.org  iburst
 server  2.pool.ntp.org  iburst

would have done nicely as a sample, on which you can build. Like you, I have changed minpoll and maxpoll to suit my own needs, and added various other commands. Perhaps you would agree that's it's easier to have something working to start with, which you can then edit later as you understand more of how things work in practice.

Anyway - any clue on: Why add maxpoll 9 to all the servers? That seems wrong. I see the note: "The option `maxpoll 9' is used to prevent PLL/FLL flipping on FreeBSD.". So is that a FreeBSD specific issue, and if so, why not fix it in the OS?

Was that not fixed in a later release?

(I don't follow FreeBSD but there were similar issues at
different times with NetBSD and Linux with kernel
timekeeping that were fixed in subsequent releases)


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