At 08:44 AM 1/3/2011, Martin Burnicki wrote...
Mike S wrote:
> At 02:21 PM 1/2/2011, David Woolley wrote...
>>Arul Kumar Chellappan wrote:
>>>server  ::1
>>>fudge   ::1 stratum 10

The line above tries to fudge the localhost IP address, i.e. the loopback
interface, which indeed makes no sense.


It's not quite clear what Arul was trying to achieve, but it looks like he was trying to define a local refclock using both IPv4 and IPv6 terminology. It's easy to see how he may have come up with the ::1 address, since NTP is using what look like loopback addresses. All IPv4 addresses map to IPv6 ::1.

I don't know if :: (or ::7f7f:100) would work (I suppose it should, if NTP has full IPv6 support).

My response was to the original comment that "you can't fudge stratum on a server." "Server" in this context obviously referring to the "server..." configuration file section which was quoted.

NTP documentation doesn't seem to define whether a refclock is different than a server, or just a special case. The configuration file commands point to the latter.

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