
You may recall that I had a problem with a Garmin GPS18x LVC after firmware upgrades, where the offset between the leading edge of the PPS signal and the end of the NMEA serial data exceeded one second. With some help from Hal Murray who knows more of NTP than I do, we have worked round the problem as described here:

The basic steps were:

- make the GPX18x LVC "noselect" so that NTP would not use it

- enable the peerstats to measure where NTP thought the 18x end of message occurred

- analyse the peerstats file to determine the apparent offset (which was -1.000 seconds, as it happened)

- add that offset (as +1.000 seconds) to the fudge time2 value for the 18x in the ntp.conf

- restart NTP

I hope that helps someone.

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