On 2011-01-14, David J Taylor <david-tay...@blueyonder.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
>> Thanks for the information. I was curious about the new position
>> averaging mode, but I'll wait until this is resolved.
>> 1.0s offset is horrible, that will certainly break gpsd or any
>> application that pairs pulses with following NMEA timestamps.
>> Have you tried increasing baud rate to 38400 and disabling all
>> unneeded NMEA sentences?
>> -- 
>> Miroslav Lichvar
> Miroslav,
> From reports elsewhere, it seems that the position averaging mode adds 
> about 8ms to the delay.  You can enable and disable the mode with the 
> Garmin configuration software.
> NTP seems to work correctly with the - agreed horrible - 1.0s offset.
> That is with 19200 baud and just the single GPRMC sentence.  (I think 
> that's the one).  So changing to 38400 baud wouldn't get me a lot (about 
> 17ms earlier).
> Cheers,
> David 

Well 17ms would get you under the 1.0 sec cutoff. 

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