Dave Täht wrote:
Terje Mathisen<"terje.mathisen at tmsw.no">  writes:
There's a huge difference between the window sizes at the ends of a
link and those employed at the various nodes in between:

The end points needs at least bandwidth*latency buffers simply to keep
the flow going, while routers in between should have very little
buffer space, simply because that will allow the end points to
discover the real channel capacity much sooner.

Exactly.  Yea! You get it.

Thanks. I've been working with communication protocols and file transfer since around 1982, including a year-long sabbatical at Novell in 91-92.


- <Terje.Mathisen at tmsw.no>
"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching"

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  • Re: [ntp:quest... David Woolley

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