"Kenyon Ralph" <ken...@kenyonralph.com> wrote in message news:20120208192213.gc18...@kenyonralph.com...
I don't think you're using the kernel PPS signal, so you may not have
compiled the kernel with the PPS_SYNC option. This is what you should
see, notice the "o" and mentions of PPS in kerninfo output (this
output is from my system at gauss.kenyonralph.com):

kernel status:         pll ppsfreq ppstime ppssignal nano

Thanks, for that. With the "ntpdc -c kerninfo pixie" command, I did get back:

 status:               2107

and from what I did before with the earlier FreeBSD 5.0 system, that 2017 status decodes as:

 status: 2107 pll ppsfreq ppstime ppssignal nano

just the same as in your system. The "*" instead of the "o" does confuse me, though!

C:\>ntpq -p pixie
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*GPS_NMEA(1) .PPS. 0 l 7 16 377 0.000 0.001 0.004

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