Alta's graph on that page is scaled inappropriately for its current
performance level.  Follow the link at the top of the page to the
Alternative Presentation and you'll find a graph of alta with a more
useful scale (albeit also a different style with the absolute value of
the offset as the Y scale and a different color to indicate

Dave Hart

Correct. Like most of my PCs, PC Alta was never designed as a stratum-1 server, but as I happened to have a second Sure Electronics GPS board which needed testing, and as using an unsigned driver on 64-bit Windows was one of those "You can't do that" challenges, it just happened! I have now added an additional graph scaled +/- 500 microseconds to compare with the other starum-1 Windows servers. (The FreeBSD graph is scaled +/- 20 microseconds, by the way). It will take the data some time to populate the new graphs, of course. PC Alta also functions as a virtual radar using the Plane Plotter software and ADS-B receiver, receives about 40 GB of data per day over a digital satellite feed, and process that data into weather images, so I am not expecting it to be the most stable of Windows stratum-1 servers.

I have also added more appropriate graphs for the Windows 2000 server, PC Bacchus, which is also an accidental stratum-1 server, working from a paralleled serial feed from a GPS 18 LVC. It also receives weather satellite data, but this time from a 137 MHz audio feed (APT) which it demodulates into image data, and serves over the network. It's quite old - a 550 MHz Pentium III (if anyone remembers those!). When the disk drefrag runs on Wednesday it hammers the timekeeping, even on the old graph scale.

I have some loopstats files if anyone is /that/ interested.

Thanks for the prompt to enhance this.

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