On 3/14/2012 12:35 PM, David J Taylor wrote:
"Ron Frazier (NTP)" <timekeepingntpl...@c3energy.com> wrote in message news:4f60bc0c.8040...@c3energy.com...
OK. Here are the loopstats from another computer for 7 days (in the chart). I don't have any peerstats for it. It has the same server list. One is preferred. All servers are active. Performance is no better.




That's horrible, Ron! Much worse than David Lord reports. It makes me want to ask a number of questions:

Hi David T,

NOW .... you understand.

I have 4 PC's connected to the LAN, plus my wife's work computer 3 days / week, and on rare occasions my son's computer. All are connected by wifi. All do pretty mundane things: web browser, email, sometimes downloading patches, sometimes doing online backup. My 4 are running NTPD. 3 run windows most of the time and dual boot into linux. My 4th machine runs linux all the time. When my wife is here, she does a remote desktop type of thing into her work system. Two of my PC's are running Vista, one is running Windows 7. Those three dual boot into Ubuntu 11.04 and the always linux machine runs Ubuntu 11.04. Almost all the discussions I've had on this mailing list are for my Windows 7 machine.

The path out of my house is:

PC Wifi --> Wifi router --> wired router --> cable modem --> ISP -- internet

- is this PC connected over wireless or wired?

Wifi G

- what else is going through the router? Someone else downloading large files or using streaming audio or video?

See above.  Normally, no huge data hogs.

- who else might be sharing your connection?

It's cable. Who knows? I also get cable TV and telephone through the same wire.

- what type of service do you have? Presumably not dial-up! But what speed?

Comcast Cable

Just tested it with speedtest.net
     Ping to near city: 91 ms, Download: 29.63 Mbps, Upload: 5.3 Mbps

- having checked you speed, would you describe your connection as "stable"?

See above for speed. Generally, it's very stable. However, for the purposes we're discussing, I think it's latencies and delays that are the problem.

As I mentioned in my reply to David L, I'm not concerned over trying to get stellar performance from internet servers. I just want to get a good GPS server system running and use the internet servers as a backup.



The quiet periods (e.g early Monday morning, Tuesday lunchtime) are much nearer to what I would hope for, which makes me wonder whether something is interfering with the connection outside those times.



(PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, don't be concerned.
I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy mailing lists and
such.  I don't always see new messages very quickly.  If you need a
reply and have not heard from me in 1 - 2 weeks, send your message again.)

Ron Frazier
timekeepingdude AT c3energy.com

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