On 3/17/2012 11:48 AM, David J Taylor wrote:
You'd get less jitter with DSL.
John Hasler


You have piqued my interest. I have just set up a Windows-8 PC with an ntp configuration not dissimilar to Ron's, in that it's using purely Internet servers but trying to monitor a local stratum-1 server as well. In essence:

# Local stratum-1 Free BSD server
server  iburst  minpoll 5 maxpoll 5  prefer  noselect

# Seven external servers:
server  x.x.x.uk  iburst
server  y.y.y.uk  iburst
server  0.uk.pool.ntp.org  iburst
server  1.uk.pool.ntp.org  iburst
server  2.uk.pool.ntp.org  iburst
server  0.nl.pool.ntp.org  iburst
server  1.nl.pool.ntp.org  iburst

The performance will appear here:


It will be interesting to see whether the Internet servers poll period increased from 64s (I'm hoping that the 32s poll on the local server won't affect the Internet ones), and what level of jitter is achieved.


Hi David,

I'm not sure what will happen if you simultaneously prefer and noselect the local server. Assuming the local stratum 1 server is the most stable time source, you'll get a much better picture of what the internet servers are doing relative to it if you allow it to be selectable as well as being preferred. When you graph it, if the local server is the active clock, all the lines for the internet servers will be gathered around and relative to the local server. When I tried to do things the other way around, with an internet server preferred, the graph looked awful because there was so much variation. Also, if your local server starts reporting time that looks too far from the internet servers, regardless of who's fault it is, ntp will clock hop over to the internet servers.

I don't THINK your internet servers will ever poll above their default minpoll value of 6, or 64 seconds.

I realize you don't have a gps attached to this pc, but the iburst lines reminded me of something. I read somewhere that having iburst on internet server lines, if a local gps is attached, could prevent the PC from synchronizing to the gps before it synchronizes to the internet. On my pc with the gps attached, I don't use the iburst command.




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Ron Frazier
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