unruh wrote:
Would it be worth it to recruit an electrical or systems engineer who
claimed to know something about filtering data to take a serious look at
NTPD's data filtering approach?  There has to be some reason that there is a

David Mills claims to know about filtering data. Not that I always agree
with him, but he is not stupid.

That must be the understatement of the day...

And it sounds like you have assymetric delays. Note that most ISPs
deliver very different rates for up vs down, and that may well come with
assymetric delays. (eg 600Kb/s, vs 30Mb/s for my cable access)


That is 1:50 which means that you must be very lucky indeed to ever get those 30 Mbit down:

The most efficient protocol for bulk transfers is still FTP, if you get zero packet drops FTP can run with one ACK packet (about 64 bytes) for every pair of received data packets (2x1514 max).

The ratio between those two numbers is just over 1:50, so in order to ever get nearly the full 30 Mbit down, you must have perfect saturation of the uplink just to send the ACK packets, and any background traffic, even something as simple as NTP of email polling will interfere.

You should never accept much more than 10:1 speed difference between down and up.


- <Terje.Mathisen at tmsw.no>
"almost all programming can be viewed as an exercise in caching"

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